Disclaimer / DMCA Complaints

Disclaimer / DMCA Complaints


Disclaimer Most of the photos on LogoShape.com are provided by third parties or submitted by users. The copyright of these pictures belongs to their original publisher or photographer, as the case may be. If you think your copyright has been violated by publishing a particular picture on LogoShape.com, please email it to thelogoshape@gmail.com. We will immediately remove that particular picture from LogoShape.com.

We believe all the photos and information provided are used only for entertainment. We don’t want to share news or photos that hurt someone. If some of your photos or news displayed on LogoShape.com are not appropriate for you, please write to us. We will remove it. We try to make the data as accurate as possible, but still, there can be some errors. Please write to us if you find any wrong entries at LogoShape.com.

LogoShape.com is not a commercial website; all the contents of this site are free for viewing. We don’t have any kind of paid service on our website. The advertisements shown on the website are only to meet the server and hosting costs.

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